Tuesday, August 22, 2017

So it begins

The first day at the new job is now behind me and it wore me out!  It was a very long 11 hour day (not including the commute) working in and out of air conditioning.  I'm getting my department set up with a LOT of help from co-workers from other departments.  Their efforts are very much appreciated, but  I am looking forward to getting things in the order I want them once the dust, literally and figuratively, settles.  I pray the Lord gives me the strength for this undertaking. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

New/old friends

Met a gentleman at church today who recognized me as the son of my dad.  His name is Ray Hargett and he remembers dad for his dead pan, dry sense of humor.

That's cool.  I hope, when I'm gone, I'll be remembered at all.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

So There!

“I’m tired of white supremacy keeping its foot on my neck and the necks of people who look like me,” Thompson said at a news conference. “That statue glorifies the conditions that oppressed people live in, and it had to go.”

Hey Tah-kee-yah!  You've never been oppressed or a slave, so shut your pie hole!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Coming Full Circle

It has taken 50 years and the experience accrued from many different churches during those years, but, (and I really mean it this time😉) I am finally home.  For better or worse, right or wrong....this is where I will finish my race....Central United Methodist Church...the church where I was raised, confirmed, and baptized.
  After years of bible study, sermon listening and prayer, the Christian tradition I believe is true to the Word of God is Wesleyan.  I am talking about the classic, biblical Wesleyanism of John and Charles Wesley.  I am not a great theologian, so, for now, I will move on to my general statement and doctrine and theology can be addressed at a later time.
  God is worshiped in spirit and in truth at this church.  The official stand of the denomination, for now at least, is biblically sound.  The local church is solid.
  There is, however, a cancer in the denomination that totally ignores the truth of the Word of God.  It is a cancer that does not acknowledge passages like Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6.  I believed I have been called to stop sitting on the sidelines, roll up my sleeves, and join to fight the good fight.  It is too easy to sit in our little orthodox, independent groups and judge others.  I'm ready to get my hands dirty.
  The United Methodist Church is a denomination worth fighting for and saving.  No matter what the future holds, I believe this is the way to go for me.