Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bump in the Road

After missing last Sunday's mass at my local parish due to a short vacation trip, I was saddened to learn today that our numbers have dwindled at our small church.  Apparently someone was offended by something said or by the way something was handled.  I am being purposely vague to avoid any airing of "dirty laundry" in front of the one or two readers who may actually stumble across this blog.  We have lost a family numbering three and this is quite unfortunate considering the already small size of our congregation.

I believe God is able to make all things work out for good and I pray this will prove to be a good thing as we move forward. For once in my life I want to be among those who persevere.   I told my wife earlier today that I intend to stay at this church until the last person is gone and the doors are closed for good.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Second Week Assessment

Two weeks into my new venture and, apparently, I still have a job.  Things are coming a little easier as I become more familiar with my surroundings and "new to me" computer programs.  If the new boss determines I can do the job, then all that waits to be seen is can I survive on the new pay and adjust my lifestyle to the new pay frequency (monthly as opposed to weekly).

One note related to my former employer, and I share this not in bitterness but just for documentation purposes:  They gypped me out of a day's pay on my final commission check.  I am sure their view of the situation is quite different from mine.  They didn't break any "rules" but it's the spirit of the action.  Just because I wasn't physically in the building working on the final Saturday of the month I received no pay for that day.  I believe as a good will gesture and saying "thanks for the work you did" they could have just as easily given me a full month's commission.  It's that mind set there that reinforces my belief that I made the right decision in leaving that place.  It is quite typical of the way they operate.  However, I will confess it probably all evens out in the long run for reasons I will share at a later time.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

First Week Assessment

I have survived the first week at my new job.  By no means do I feel comfortable or "at home" yet, but my boss says I have improved "110%" over the first five days (note one of my pet peeves: using any percentage over 100...there's no such thing).  Have I made the right move by stepping down from 20 years of management and changing companies?  The jury is still out on that one.  I am definitely in a different world.  In some ways the people in this company are, what I would describe as "laid back" and more like "normal" people (in comparison to the strange world from which I recently escaped).  I am re-growing my beard whereas the previous employer allowed no such thing.  I feel like I have received my discharge from the military.  Please don't misunderstand.  My new employer is serious and all about making money...and it does get very hectic at times.  For the first time in over twenty years I have returned to an over 70 mile-a-day round trip commute, but I enjoy the solitude of the ride.  Time will tell the story of this new chapter in my sojourn through this world, and yes Dan, those hot and fresh Krispy Kremes are now within striking distance!