Friday, August 14, 2009

The Most Powerful Woman in the World

The liberal media continues to amaze me. They continue to demean Sarah Palin and write her off as stupid and uninformed. So why don't they ignore her and just let it go? There she sits in her home in Alaska typing away on her little computer keyboard, making an entry on her Facebook page. Right or wrong she uses the term "death panels" and now for days afterward, the liberal pinheads keep repeating it and repeating it and repeating it. For some reason they are AFRAID of this woman. It's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The libs hate this woman so much. They don't want her in the White House. But keep on watching gang. They're gonna talk her right into the oval office one day! Go ahead liberal media. Keep Palin's name before the public. You will get what you don't want and it will be your own fault!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Disorder of the Mind

Over recent years I had come to suspect that liberalism/progressivism is a mental illness. After subjecting myself to several nights of watching "Countdown with Keith Olbermann", my suspicions are realized. Olbermann is the poster child for mental illness in America. He is so "cool" and "clever" as he accuses people he disagrees with as being name callers and such....then he turns around and commits the same act, such as charging people who oppose Obama's health care plan as being "on drugs". He is a hypocrite....nothing more than a self-righteous left-wing extremist hack. He is getting his butt kicked in the TV ratings, so he fights dirty. Shame on you do you sleep? YOU are either very deluded or very evil....not the people you attack on your program. Just my humble opinion....I still have that right don't I? Dude....I never had anything against you....I even liked you when you were doing sports. But, you sir, are the one spouting hate speech and lies on a nightly basis. Shame on you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

State of the World

The following is an excerpt from an article entitled "More than Meets the Mouth Or, the Meaning of Meals" by Kenneth A. Myers in the July/August 2009 edition of Modern Reformation magazine. I think it speaks well to the world today.

C. S. Lewis observed in an incredibly prescient book written in 1948 called THE ABOLITION OF MAN, "For the wise men of old, the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline and virtue." In other words, to be wise and to live a good life means to discern the ways of the world as Solomon did, to understand that there's an order in creation, and that I should fit my life into that order in some way; and we do that through knowledge, though an understanding of the world; we do it through self-discipline, where we constrain ourselves and contain our appetites and virtue, which is a development of entrenched habits of choosing to do the right thing. On the other hand, there is the modern view; he describes this as the view of applied science or technology and of magic. He relates our technical approach to the approach of magicians, where the problem for them is: "How do I subdue reality to the wishes of men?" The magician or the genie in the bottle comes in and remakes reality to fit our wishes. And modern technology is increasingly doing the same. We have our wishes; we want to reconstruct reality. We have certain desires; we want to reorder nature so that our desires can be fulfilled.

It seems we live in a world today where everything is relative. There appear to be no absolutes in this "alternate universe" we find ourselves in today. The world has gone insane and is turned upside down. But thank God the reality is that there are absolutes such as Biblical truth, no matter how much the world tries to ignore it or drown it out with their noise.