Sunday, May 25, 2008

Victory for independent thinkers

Last week North Carolina election officials announced the Libertarian party would be back on the ballot in the November elections. This is a great victory for those of us who want more to choose from than two losers. The two-party system is a bankrupt system and what is frustrating is the ridiculous requirements they create for third, fourth and fifth parties to get on the ballot. After the Libertarian party was once again unrecognized by the state (after their performance in the 2004 election), they had to obtain 70,000 signatures on a petition by June 1, 2008 to be reinstated. Last week the Libertarian party surpassed the number of signatures required by the state and now Libertarian candidates from president to local offices will be on the ballot in the Tar Heel state. If you are dissatisfied with the way this country is going and not impressed with any of the Democrat or Republican candidates, then consider making a real statement that Washington needs to hear with your vote this November. It is not to late to return this country to its former greatness, but it must begin somewhere...and that's with the individual in the voting booth. It's not only our privilege, it's our responsibility.

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