Friday, September 26, 2008

Dark Days

Before I go off on my negative rant, let me say that ultimately I am a man of faith. I believe God will see me through anything this world can throw my way. My Lord will deliver me from this mess somehow, sometime....I leave that up to Him.

I am so fed up with this country....the government in particular. When it comes to the current economic crisis, we all can probably be blamed to a certain extent. It all comes down to selfish, human nature. If everyone would spend half the time seeing to the needs of others than they do their own needs, we would not be in the mess we face as a nation now. We are probably heading into a depression like none in my generation or younger has ever experienced. I am no financial expert, but I can read the signs of the times.

As of this writing, supposedly our government in Washington is trying to agree on a plan to bail out "Wall Street" and "fix" the financial mess we are in. It's too late people. At best it will be a temporary stopgap. And like the government is going to accomplish anything for the good of the people....yeah, right.

I am also disillusioned once again with the whole political scene. Two men running for president, neither of which I want to vote for. I was going to vote third party, then along came Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate who seemed to be really sharp and a breath of fresh air. Then, I thought, I could vote for McCain (lesser of two evils) and actually make my vote count against Obama whom I feel is very dangerous whether he intends to be or not. But, now Palin is proving to be what her detractors claim her to be....not ready. She unfortunately has not impressed me in the growing number of interviews I see her in. Do I vote Republican just to cancel out one vote for Obama....or do I go for the Libertarian or Constitutionalist party and be able to live with myself? There is a lot to be considered. Stay tuned...there may be more on this subject before the November election.

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