Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Unitarian Universalist Church

I attended the wedding of one my nieces this weekend in Richmond, VA. It was held in a unitarian universalist church, which come to find out, is a very interesting entity indeed. If you knew nothing of this church, one could guess just from the name as I did that they believe all people go to heaven....that is, as they would say, if there is such a thing as heaven. The Unitarian Universalist church has no belief system whatsoever. They apparently want to be everything to everybody. It is, in practice, a humanist organization. There was no mention of God or a "god" one time during the ceremony I witnessed this weekend. They are very much involved in social issues such as homosexual marriage, civil rights, etc. I don't understand why they even bother to call it a "church". Why don't they call it the "Everybody Do What Is Right In Your Own Eyes Club"? 18% of UU's consider themselves atheists! Give me a break! They definitely are not Christian, nor do they claim to be, apparently. I believe the UU church serves the purpose of being a place to go for people who like to "play church" or whose guilty conscience requires them to be somewhere other than in the bed or on the golf course on Sunday mornings. For those of you who have turned your backs on God and the Christian faith, if you start feeling guilty about staying home on Sunday mornings and "enjoying" that second cup of coffee, check out the Unitarian might find that for which you seek!

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