Friday, August 7, 2009

Disorder of the Mind

Over recent years I had come to suspect that liberalism/progressivism is a mental illness. After subjecting myself to several nights of watching "Countdown with Keith Olbermann", my suspicions are realized. Olbermann is the poster child for mental illness in America. He is so "cool" and "clever" as he accuses people he disagrees with as being name callers and such....then he turns around and commits the same act, such as charging people who oppose Obama's health care plan as being "on drugs". He is a hypocrite....nothing more than a self-righteous left-wing extremist hack. He is getting his butt kicked in the TV ratings, so he fights dirty. Shame on you do you sleep? YOU are either very deluded or very evil....not the people you attack on your program. Just my humble opinion....I still have that right don't I? Dude....I never had anything against you....I even liked you when you were doing sports. But, you sir, are the one spouting hate speech and lies on a nightly basis. Shame on you.

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