Friday, December 25, 2009


I must preface these thoughts with the affirmation that I believe in a personal God who knows my paths and directs them. I might not completely understand now but I am where God wants me to be at this point in my life and it was His will for me to experience everything and everybody that has brought me to where I am today.

With that said, I believe I am not alone when I wonder aloud what it would be like to enter a time machine and go back to the key times of life with the knowledge and wisdom I now (presumably) possess. The idea of rethinking or changing decisions regarding education, career, interpersonal relationships, etc. fascinates me. But, of course, "you can't turn back the clock", "hind sight's 20/20", yadda-yadda and blah-blah. I know the score, but I still cannot help but speculate during reflective times.

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