Sunday, July 3, 2011

Imminent Changes?

Anyone who bothers to waste their time following my blog knows that I have had the desire to return to coastal living. I lived in Virginia Beach, VA for a couple of years in the mid 1980's and enjoyed it (what little I could, considering I was working two jobs and raising three children with my wife at the time). Until the past couple of years, the thought of living at the coast again never really crossed my mind, what with living on family land, still paying on a relatively new mortgage and quickly approaching my 60th year of existence. However, life is not static. I now find myself actually in a position to possibly work and live near the Atlantic Ocean again....this time in my home state of North Carolina.

It all began in 2009 when my son and his family moved from my hometown in central North Carolina to Wilmington. The more I visited this wonderful city on the Cape Fear River, the more I felt comfortable there....almost like it was where I belonged. Without going into a lot of detail (maybe that's material for a future blog), an event occurred this past week that has me excited to say the least. I received a phone call from a gentleman who is in the same business as I and he basically, as I interpreted it, presented me with the possibility of a forthcoming job offer. After asking me what computer software programs I had experience with, he made the statement, "I have something in the works". I had only spoken to this individual twice on the phone over the past two years and I mailed him a letter and resume the day before I received his phone call.

Is this the sign of a new chapter beginning in the life of Tymetraveler? Yahweh only knows and I trust His will be done. Psalm 37:4 says "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires". I trust the Lord and I believe He is in control of my affairs, but I must gain a grasp on this concept of "taking delight in the Lord". My prayer is that I would love God more and the way I should, and I would truly take delight in Him.

Stay tuned for further developments........

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