Saturday, April 5, 2008

My spiritual journey (Part 2)

It was a night that changed everything for me. You might remember it, if you're old enough. A Sunday night in February 1964 on the stage of the Ed Sullivan Show....those four lads from Liverpool. I had always liked music up until that time, but all of a sudden, music became one of the most important things in my life. From that point on I was a serious fan and collector of music. It would be another thirty years before I was seriously involved in making music. I remember growing through the awkward teen years watching images of the Vietnam war on the TV as Walter Cronkite told me what was happening in the world. Violence, protests, assassinations.....I took all of this in, but it did not seem to faze me as I grew toward a secular humanist mind-set and did not think much about God at all. Through the end of high school I might attend Sunday school occasionally and MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) so I could go on the annual beach trip. The things I saw and experienced on those beach was anything BUT the Christian sense. By the early 1970's all I was concerned about was satisfying the senses and having a "good time". Out of the big, drugs and rock and roll....I was getting a lot of two out of three. Sex was the odd man out, because I was very shy and just was not a "smooth talker" with the ladies. I had the occasional girlfriend, but nothing to speak of. By the mid 70's, after bouncing between various colleges, jobs, and parties I was, for the first time, exposed to the gospel of Christ while in radio broadcasting school.
And that is where I will pick up next time.

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