Saturday, August 16, 2008

Balance is normal

It is amazing how time is a teacher. As I age I learn things I could not understand, say ten or twenty years ago. I remember being labeled as "wishy-washy" by a brother-in-law once when it came to some matters of faith. At that particular time I was going through some changes in my beliefs, but it was not a matter of "waffling" but of growth. I was growing and changing as I learned more. I thought at one time I was a "fence-sitter" because I allowed others to label me as such. Thankfully I have realized that is not the case. I have definite beliefs and opinions. I am convinced you have the two extremes....left and right (whether political, social, religious, whatever) and the middle, where the majority (average people like myself) falls. As I said, I have definite beliefs and opinions....some of them may be considered conservative, others liberal. I know people who fall in the two "extreme" camps, some are friends, some are relatives and they look at me as if I were from another planet when I expound my "libertarian" views. So, brother (in-law), I am not "wishy-washy", I am just an average guy who stands firm on the non-negotiables and is open-minded enough to discuss the negotiables. If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times, God is a God of balance. Since we are made in His image, it is only logical that we be balanced as well.

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