Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Great Debate

I have found myself in recent days arguing with atheists on different forums and blogs. I have hesitated in the past to even lock horns with these know, the old "casting your pearls before swine" idea. I probably will not return to it any time soon because, for me, it's like banging your head against a brick wall. It's hard to discuss anything when there is no common ground or starting point. These people have no clue where I am coming from, whereas I know where they are coming from because at one time I WAS an atheist (at least agnostic). It's two people with two totally different world views and neither the twain shall meet. Skeptics are very intelligent people, but it's the wisdom of the world (system) they possess. Their eyes are blinded by the evil one.

I learned last week from my son that a mutual friend/acquaintance of ours announced to my son that he has "become" an "atheist/agnostic" (I don't know which he is....they are two different animals, you know). He has turned his back on the God he has believed in and worshipped most of his life and now denies His existence. This very thing was prophesied...1 Timothy chapter 4 says "in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons." I can't help but wonder, did this individual come to this conclusion through years of calculated intellectual study, or is he attempting to justify sin in his life? I am not being judgmental....I can sin with the best of them. I am fascinated with what must be going on in this guy's head. Does he now believe he wasted the first 54 years of his life? The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:17 "...if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." Also verse 19 says "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied."

The bottom line.....if the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is true....then our atheist friend (and anyone else who does not believe) is screwed. If the Lord Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead, then we are all screwed. The way I see it, my atheist friend loses either way. I've got a 50-50 chance at the worst. But I believe Jesus Christ did come out of that tomb some 2000 years ago, so it is not a gamble for me. It's a sure thing because I know God is real and His word is true.

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