Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thoughts on alcohol

Up until a few weeks ago I lived near and worked in the largest "dry" city in the state of North Carolina. Some people have even said the largest east of the Mississippi River (I don't know that was ever proven). That all changed on July 29, 2008 when the citizens of that town voted 60% to 40% to allow the sale of alcohol for the first time in over 50 years (first time in my lifetime).

I can see both sides in this hotly debated issue. At the same time I don't buy all the arguments that both the "for" and "against" forces put forth during the heated campaign leading up to the vote. I understand on one hand people believed that keeping alcohol out made the area a more wholesome place to live, but illegal alcohol sales have always been here. Plenty of drinking was taking place here...you just had to drive 10 to 15 miles to purchase it. While living in another state years ago, my wife and I raised three small children with our home being within walking distance of bars and it never affected us in any way. Being this is America, I think a person should have the right to purchase it, or not. I see nothing wrong with wine with dinner or an occasional drink. And no....they did not drink grape juice in biblical times....it was real wine.

Well, the sun rose in the east the day after the alcohol referendum passed just as it always has and I believe in the long run things will be okay. Again, I understand the strong emotions on both sides of this issue, but it's time to move on and deal with a lot more serious problems we face in this world.

Oh, by the way, I did not vote...I couldn't...I live outside the city limits.

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